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Spirit Reading Services

Spirit Reading Services: About

Spirit Reading


In this reading, spirit communication begins by providing evidence that your loved ones in spirit are still around. This may be received as physical descriptions, memories or even recent events from your life that they may have seen. I share with you what I know, feel, hear, see, taste or smell through my intuitive senses as clearly as possible. I am honored to bring these messages to you. Your loved ones all communicate differently but wish to share what is most healing for you at that moment.

Spirit Reading Services: Text


I had a mediumship reading with Leilani and she was able to provide accurate details about appearances and personalities for a few loved ones. Leilani gave me a message from my uncle to connect with a family member that I have felt called to reach out to recently. It was so validating to hear that in my reading. Leilani was able to see generational patterns and bring though some advice for healing. I would definitely recommend a session!

Andrea M

Loved my reading, my dad came through. Although I didn’t have the best relationship with him, I could understand and really feel his sorry. He was very apologetic and even touched on some pretty specific details, whether it be how he felt or a watch he wore. I continue to reach a better place with him, thank you for this.


I absolutely loved my reading with leilani! She has great energy and I felt a sense of comfort with her right away. I love how connected she is to the energy of spirit. I was so happy to be able to connect with my loved ones on the other side and I left the reading feeling so grateful for the experience. I would recommend leilani to anyone looking for loving connection to spirit. Thank you so much!! 🙏❤️❤️

Michelle Carter

Spirit Reading Services: Testimonials

Top Questions

What can I expect in a Spirit Reading?

During a Spirit reading, I will let you know any information that comes to me. These may be things I see, hear, sense, or even smell. Whatever I am led to be aware of, I will tell you. I will ask you to please let me know if it makes sense to you or not. Together, we put together the pieces of evidence to understand who the spirit communicator is. Once we have established who we are in conversation with, I will bring forward any messages they have for you. You will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Can I choose which spirits will come through?

You can certainly ask and we will see if they come through. It is important to remember though, that just like us, Spirit has free-will. Sometimes it may not be the right time to talk to you, or there may be a spirit with a more pressing message to get to you. We are not in control of the spirit world. So, yes, we can try to get through your chosen loved-one, but it is never a guarentee.

Do I need to do anything to prepare?

For all readings, I ask that you come with an open heart and an open mind. In a space of openness and love, you are better able to receive the messages that the spirit world may have for you. 

For Spirit Readings, you can pray or talk to your loved ones in spirit and let them know you'd like to hear from them. If you are seeking guidance on a particular topic, talk to them about this before your reading. Let them know how they can support you so they can offer the most benefit to you via your upcoming reading.

If you have an object or special item that reminds you of your loved one, you can have this with you during the reading. I do not need to know what it is, nor do I need to see it. The energy of this item can help enhance the flow of the reading. 

What if I don't understand the information you bring through? 

With all readings, sometimes small portions of the information I bring forward don't make sense at the time. It is very common, however, that you suddenly understand the information within the next few days. So keep the information with you and be open to receiving understanding after the reading. 

If you genuinely cannot place any information or feel that we are not making any progress by 10 minutes into the reading, I will terminate the reading at that point and offer you a full refund. 

Spirit Reading Services: FAQ
Healing Stones

$222 - 45 Minute Spirit Reading

Spirit Reading Services: Quote

Group Mediumship Demonstration


Group mediumship demonstrations work similarly to 1:1 reading in that passed loved ones of audience members may come through to share a message with them. The key difference with group demonstrations is that you may or may not receive a reading. Readings are shorter, because multiple spirits are all waiting to speak to their loved ones. I also need you to speak up and tell me if you recognize the characteristics of a spirit communicator who is coming through. This way, the communication can continue. 
Demonstrations are good to attend out of curiosity if you'd like to see how mediumship works, or if you are a student of mediumship yourself. If you have a deep need to hear from someone in particular, I recommend you book a 1:1 reading.

Spirit Reading Services: Text
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