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Medical Intuitive Scan & Energy Healing

Medical Intuitive Reading & Energy Healing: Services

Medical Intuitive Scan


Medical Intuitive Scans involve me tuning into your body and energy field. As I scan through your body I often feel, see, sense, or hear information regarding your physical, mental, or emotional health.  

Guided by Spirit, I am able to shed light on any concerns that are occurring in your body at the time of the scan. These scans often reveal underlying emotions or energetic imbalances that are attached to physical symptoms. 

I share, with you, any information that I receive pertaining to areas of the body that I am drawn to in our session. I choose to work with you to put the pieces of information I gather together with your symptoms and experiences. 


As we compile this information, I invite Spirit to bring forward guidance and direction for improving your health. This guidance provides inspiration and information so that you can take active steps towards a healthier and more vibrant you. The information I bring through from Spirit may pinpoint a specific issue that needs further medical investigation, or it may provide you with guidance about lifestyle changes to improve your overall well-being by addressing the root cause issue of your concerns.

Disclaimer: I work in the energetic and spiritual realms. I am not a doctor. Any advice is general in nature and should be discussed with your licensed medical professional. Information provided by ManaMedium is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All services and advice provided by ManaMedium are not replacements, substitutes, or alternatives to your usual medical care from a licensed health professional. Do not cease, commence, or change any treatments, therapies, supplements, or medicines without seeking advice from your prescribing doctor. Although I work with spirit, I am also human and subject to some human error. If you are concerned about your health, I always advise seeing a doctor.

Medical Intuitive Reading & Energy Healing: Text

Energy Healing Session


Energy Healing sessions are performed via Zoom.

As an energy healing practitioner, I tune into your energy field and send universal, or life-force, healing energy to your physical and energetic body.

Life force energy is known by many names, Chi, Reiki, Mana, Source Energy, or Prana, to name a few. Regardless of what name you choose, the energy is of a higher universal intelligence, and so travels within the body to where healing is most needed.

This energy then activates the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to dip you into a deep state of rest and relaxation. It is in this state, that the body can do its ultimate self-healing. 



Energy healing has been shown to help reduce stress, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. It can enhance overall wellbeing, release toxins, and boost your immune system. Reiki energy works on the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical levels. So, it may release repressed emotions and rejuvenate stagnant energy. It cleanses the aura and balances the chakras. 


Disclaimer: Energy medicine is designed to be a complementary therapy. It does not replace treatment that has been prescribed to you by your doctor. Reiki and energy healing are safe to receive in combination with your medical therapies and may assist your overall sense of well-being. 


Medical Intuitive Reading & Energy Healing: Text


Leilani was so amazingly accurate!

I received a medical reading from her. She not only outlined the various health issues I experience, but offered advice about things I could do to improve my embodied experience.

I'd gladly go to her again for more insights into my health.

Jasmine E.

Leilani is an Angel of healing, the first time I received healing I could feel pain in my body ease up that had been there for over 25 years! After a few months of her working on me I can say I no longer need my pain medication. I cannot express enough what a gift Leilani has been in my life.


After my body scan and energetic healing, I have felt some big releases in my body. I also have SO many notes to go back over. The amount of information you shared and the depth of your knowledge has allowed me to look into different aspects that weren't on my radar, prior to my appointment. I also loved the validations I received where I have always "felt" like something is an issue, but it doesn't show up on my blood work. I look forward to booking with you again after I take some action on the steps you provided. 10/10 recommend!

Emily Barnard

Alongside my chemotherapy treatments, I decided I would add in energy healing to helping me with the aftereffects. I did not know what to expect but Leilani made me feel very comfortable. I felt less nauseous immediately and could feel parts of my body lift up. I do not fully understand what she is doing but will say I feel so much better after our sessions. Highly recommend Leilani to everyone!

Elizabeth D

Medical Intuitive Reading & Energy Healing: Testimonials

Top Questions

Do you help treat terminal or chronic illness?

Energy healing is a complementary treatment. This means it complements or works alongside other therapies prescribed by your doctor. Some people find energy healing can reduce the side effects of some therapies, others find it reduces the stress of living with a chronic or terminal illness. When your body is in a relaxed state, it can heal itself with greater ease. Energy medicine assists the body find this deeply relaxed state.

Medical intuitive body scans may pick up energy disturbances around your pre-existing conditions. They can also highlight other concerns you may not be aware of. Under no circumstances are medical intuitive scans diagnostic. If we find something you were not aware of, I always recommend checking in with your treating doctor.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for a session?

Not really. Just come with an open heart and open mind. It is best if you can be in a quiet and comfortable space where you can rest. Some people drift into sleep or meditative spaces during energy healing, so being safe, warm, and comfortable is important. Under no circumstances should you try to receive an energy healing while you are driving or working.

What should I expect from my Energy Healing session?

During an energy healing session, we will meet via Zoom. We spend a few minutes discussing your concerns, and then you can find a relaxed and comfortable space to receive the energy flow that I will send you. I do ask that cameras are turned off so that you can truly relax as you receive the energy flow. At the end of the session, we re-group to discuss anything that came up during the session.


Everybody experiences energy healing differently. Some people report feeling tingles, or swirling sensations in the body. Some people drift into a restful sleep, and others may have visions or insights during their session. Some people don't feel anything at all during the session, but report feeling refreshed and rejuvenated at the end. I can't promise what you will experience, but it is almost always a positive and relaxing experience. 

What should I expect from my Medical Intuitive Scan?

During your Medical Intuitive Scan, I will explain to you what I am feeling, seeing or receiving through my senses. These things generally reflect what is happening within your body at the time of our session. 

As I explain this to you, I ask that you are open to a discussion about what is coming through. Together we will piece together the evidence and messages to provide you with useful information and suggestions. I aim to provide you with actionable steps to take to improve your health and well-being. The choice to take action is yours.



What sort of people do you work with?

I work with motivated individuals who are curious about their health concerns, inspired to find their truth, and dedicated to improving their health outcomes.
Through Spirit, I bring you the information and guidance, but it is your responsibility to take action towards healing.

Are you a doctor?

 I am not a doctor. The information I provide is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any suggestions offered should be discussed with a licensed health professional.

Medical Intuitive Reading & Energy Healing: FAQ
Healing Stones

$222 -45 Minute
Medical Intuitive Scan

Medical Intuitive Reading & Energy Healing: Quote
Reiki Healing

$111 - 45 Minute Energy Healing Session

Medical Intuitive Reading & Energy Healing: Quote
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