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Life (Psychic) Reading Services

Life (psychic) Reading Services: Service

Life Reading


Sometimes referred to as Psychic Reading, Life Readings are designed to help when you need clarity in a situation or are just curious in the present moment. I feel into your energy field and help bring forward information about your current concerns, be it relationships, career, or home life. Whatever your concern, we work together to find energetic blocks, intuitive messages, and advice on forward movement.


This 1:1 single reading offers you insight and advice to help draw awareness to areas you can work on to re-harness your energy and flow, and move forward with confidence. 


For ongoing support through periods of frustration and lack of progress, you may benefit from my intuitive coaching services (coming soon).

Life (psychic) Reading Services: Text


There wasn’t a thing missed in the reading! Leilani knew both of my nephews names without hesitation as soon as we started, so it was clear what direction we were headed in. She was able to pull through many specific details about their father’s family dynamics, and my sister’s personal struggles. She also provided a lot of insight and support to my mother’s physical ailments when she was here (she’s in spirit), as well as what my husband and I are working on in our health journeys. I feel so grateful to have connected, and above it all, I feel seen in what I’m moving through and trust that I am supported along the way!

Heather D

 I found myself in a situation with my business that made me feel confused and unable to take action to make things work better. Leilani had zero information before our reading. Yet, she picked up on the exact issue I was having with an employee. She was able to feel into the motivations and behavior of this employee and gave me accurate, detailed insight which allowed me to make a decision for correction I felt in total alignment with. She even picked up on another situation I was dealing with and on the plan I was considering for scaling and relocating my business too. I feel like she has saved me so much time, energy, heartache and money. I will definitely book a reading again in the future when I have a need.

Tamara A



Life (psychic) Reading Services: Testimonials

Top Questions

Can you predict my future?

I can't technically predict the future, because you have free will.

You may choose to use the information I offer in this reading in any way you like. Therefore, any decision you make as a result of our reading is your responsibility.


I offer services and guidance to help you overcome energetic blocks, I do not give life advice or predictions.

How should I prepare for my Life Reading

For all readings, I ask that you come with an open heart and an open mind. In a space of openness and love, you are better able to receive the messages that the spirit world may have for you.


For Life Readings, please come with some specific questions in mind. By setting the intention to learn more about a particular issue, it helps the energy remain focused and usually brings through more succinct and valuable answers. 

What should I expect from my Life Reading?

I read your energy at the moment of our session and will offer guidance about working with the blockages I sense at that time. 


I will offer insights, guidance, and suggestions about how you may improve energy flow around the situation in question.

What if I don't understand the information you bring through?

With all readings, sometimes small portions of the information I bring forward don't make sense at the time. It is very common, however, that you suddenly understand the information within the next few days. So keep the information with you and be open to receiving understanding after the reading. 


If you genuinely cannot place any information or feel that we are not making any progress by 10 minutes into the reading, I will terminate the reading at that point and offer you a full refund. 

Life (psychic) Reading Services: FAQ

$222 - 45-minute 1:1 Life (Psychic) Reading

Life (psychic) Reading Services: Quote

Intuitive Coaching Package


Feeling stuck in life? Frustrated ? Or like you just don't know which way to turn?  
Intuitive coaching packages help you find re-connection to your inner knowing and inner self. 
Together, we tap into your energy field, find your energetic blocks, and make a plan to move forward. 
I teach you how to tune into your own intuition and your deeper sense of knowing so you can lean into trust, knowing that you have all the answers within you. This re-connection to self, with my guidance and experience, can help set you on the path to renewed hope, direction, and quantum healing.

Life (psychic) Reading Services: Text
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