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Top Questions

The world of Spirit communication and energy healing is unknown to many people. Here, I will try to answer the most common questions people ask me. If you can't find your answer here, feel free to contact me and I'll do my best to answer. 

What is a Psychic Medium?

Let's break it down. 


Psychic - someone who uses intuition and energy reading to tune in to your energy field and gather information intuitively about your life, body, or concerns. They can also sense where there may be energy blockages and guide you to focus on certain areas to improve your circumstances.  


Medium - means in the middle. The medium is the middle person between their sitter (you) and the spirit world. They facilitate a conversation between you and your loved ones in spirit. In short, they are kind of like a translator because they speak both human and spirit languages.

So a psychic medium is someone who is highly intuitive and has taken the time to learn how to read energy, guide you intuitively, and communicate with other realms to bring you healing guidance in this life.   

I'm coming to Hawaii!!! Can I book in person?

I currently offer all sessions remotely via Zoom. However, if you are making your way to Hawaii and are interested in an in-person reading, please email me and we can discuss potential options.

How should I prepare for my reading?

For all readings, I ask that you come with an open heart and an open mind. In a space of openness and love, you are better able to receive the messages that the spirit world may have for you. 


For Spirit Readings, you can pray or talk to your loved ones in spirit and let them know you'd like to hear from them. If you are seeking guidance on a particular topic, talk to them about this before your reading. Let them know how they can support you so they can offer the most benefit to you via your upcoming reading.

If you have an object or special item that reminds you of your loved one, you can have this with you during the reading. I do not need to know what it is, nor do I need to see it. The energy of this item can help enhance the flow of the reading. 


For Life Readings, please come with some specific questions in mind. By setting the intention to learn more about a particular issue, it helps the energy remain focused and usually brings through more succinct and valuable answers. 


Please remember, I do not offer predictions. I read your energy at the moment of the reading and offer guidance about working with the blockages I see at that time. 

What should I expect in a Spirit Reading?

During a Spirit reading, I will let you know any information that comes to me. These may be things I see, hear, sense, or even smell. Whatever I am led to be aware of, I will tell you. I will ask you to please let me know if it makes sense to you or not. Together, we put together the pieces of evidence to understand who the spirit communicator is. Once we have established who we are in conversation with, I will bring forward any messages they have for you. You will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Can I choose which spirits you communicate with?

You can certainly ask and we will see if they come through. It is important to remember though, that just like us, Spirit has free will. Sometimes it may not be the right time to talk to you, or there may be a spirit with a more pressing message to get to you. We are not in control of the spirit world. So, yes, we can try to get through your chosen loved-one, but it is never a guarantee.

What if I don't understand the information you offer?

With all readings, sometimes small portions of the information I bring forward don't make sense at the time. It is very common, however, that you suddenly understand the information within the next few days. So keep the information with you and be open to receiving understanding after the reading. 


If you genuinely cannot place any information or feel that we are not making any progress by 10 minutes into the reading, I will terminate the reading at that point and offer you a full refund. 

Can you predict my future?

I can't technically predict the future, because you have free will.

You may choose to use the information I offer in this reading in any way you like. Therefore, any decision you make as a result of our reading is your responsibility.


I offer services and guidance to help you overcome energetic blocks, I do not give life advice or predictions.

What should I expect from an Energy Healing Session?

During an energy healing session, we will meet via Zoom. We spend a few minutes discussing your concerns, and then you can find a relaxed and comfortable space to receive the energy flow that I will send you. I do ask that cameras are turned off so that you can truly relax as you receive the energy flow. At the end of the session, we re-group to discuss anything that came up during the session.


Everybody experiences energy healing differently. Some people report feeling tingles, or swirling sensations in the body. Some people drift into a restful sleep, and others may have visions or insights during their session. Some people don't feel anything at all during the session, but report feeling refreshed and rejuvenated at the end. I can't promise what you will experience, but it is almost always a positive and relaxing experience. 

How should I prepare for an Energy Healing session?

Not really. Just come with an open heart and open mind. It is best if you can be in a quiet and comfortable space where you can rest. Some people drift into sleep or meditative spaces during energy healing, so being safe, warm, and comfortable is important. Under no circumstances should you try to receive an energy healing while you are driving or working.

What should I expect from a Medical Intuitive Body Scan?

During your Medical Intuitive Body Scan, I will explain to you what I am feeling, seeing or receiving through my senses. These things generally reflect what is happening within your body at the time of our session. 

As I explain this to you, I ask that you are open to a discussion about what is coming through. Together we will piece together the evidence and messages to provide you with useful information and suggestions. I aim to provide you with actionable steps to take to improve your health and well-being. The choice to take action is yours.


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. The information I provide is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any suggestions offered should be discussed with a licensed health professional. 

How should I prepare for a Medical Intuitive Scan?

There is nothing, in particular, you need to do to prepare for your Medical Intuitive Scan. I simply ask that you come with an open heart and mind. If you have any specific questions, we will make time to address these during the session.

What sort of people do you work with?

I work with motivated individuals who are curious about their health concerns, inspired to find their truth, and dedicated to improving their health outcomes.


Through Spirit, I bring you the information and guidance, but it is your responsibility to take action towards healing.

Do you help treat terminal or chronic illness?

Energy healing is a complementary treatment. This means it complements or works alongside other therapies prescribed by your doctor. Some people find energy healing can reduce the side effects of some therapies, others find it reduces the stress of living with a chronic or terminal illness. When your body is in a relaxed state, it can heal itself with greater ease. Energy medicine assists the body find this deeply relaxed state.


Medical intuitive body scans may pick up energy disturbances around your pre-existing conditions. They can also highlight other concerns you may not be aware of. Under no circumstances are medical intuitive scans diagnostic. If we find something you were not aware of, I always recommend checking in with your treating doctor.

Are you a doctor?

 I am not a doctor. The information I provide is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any suggestions offered should be discussed with a licensed health professional.

What is your refund policy?

Life happens! Sometimes you just can't make it and I understand. 

Rescheduling - I am happy to reschedule your appointment at no additional charge when you provide 12 hours notice or more. 


No-Shows - If you do not show up for your appointment (and have not advised me of your need to reschedule or cancel), no refunds are available. 


Cancellations - If you need to cancel your appointment and are unable to reschedule, a full refund is available when you provide 24 hours notice or more.


If I cannot make a connection within the first 10 minutes of a reading, I will terminate the reading and offer you a full refund.

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