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About Me

When seeking out a spiritual coach or medium, it’s important that you resonate with their energy, their story, and their mission. So let me tell you just a little about me and why I do this work.


Who is ManaMedium?


I am Leilani, mother, partner, sister, daughter, and friend. I aim to be an example setter to those around me, both in generations past and future. To be someone who shows up with integrity, curiosity, and compassion for myself, my family, and for the community I serve, including you. 


Born and raised in the Hawaiian Islands, I have always felt a strong connection to the Hawaiian lands, ancestors, and nature here in this beautiful part of the world. Even from childhood I saw, heard, and felt things that others did not. I communicated with ancestors and loved ones I had never met in this human life, and the older I got the more my intuition and connection to the spirit world expanded. 


It is this connection that held me close in moments of struggle and kept me going. Despite growing up in Hawaii, my life has not always been reflective of its signature sunshine and rainbows. We are all here in this human existence with human concerns, and I am no exception. But, what I have found is that through spirituality and connection to life energy or Mana, we can learn, grow, heal, and expand within ourselves. 


It is this belief that fuels my healing work both in myself and in my wider community. When I stepped into this work, I believe I stepped into my purpose, and it changed me at a cellular level. I genuinely feel I have become a better mother, a better partner, and a better person at my core. I cherish my community and the people who cross my path, and it is this passion and purpose that brings me here today, to a space where I can extend my healing services to you. 


Healing is at the core of everything I offer. Whether your concern is physical, mental, or spiritual, my goal is to inspire and empower you to connect back to the spark within you. Whether this happens through Energy Healing, Spirit Messages, or Intuitive Coaching, healing is holistic. Your body, mind, and spirit are all connected, and to heal one inevitably heals the rest. 


Healing is a lifelong journey, not a one-time fix, and I am here as your guide. My goal is to inspire you and help you connect with your intuition, your life force energy, and with Mana. With this connection, healing and transformation may begin. 


 If you feel aligned to work with me, you can head over to my services page to learn how.

you can head over to my services page to learn how.

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